Ekow Stone
Grateful Response
Ekow Stone (he/him) was supported to produce Grateful Response, an interdisciplinary project consisting of handmade papers embedded with seeds (seed paper), screen printed designs and original illustrations, and pyrography on wooden objects that seeks to uplift the ethic of gratitude and reciprocity in relationship to the natural world.
For inquiries, contact: ekow.stone@gmail.com or @ekowstone
Artist Statement
Grateful Response began as an idea I had about making artwork that is more rooted in nature. I wanted to challenge myself to create work that is more sustainable in materials used, like the bamboo kitchenware and secondhand chairs, and gives back to earth, like the handmade paper embedded with seeds to be planted. I later realized that this project is also an exercise in exploring new mediums, materials, and uses of art. I learned a lot about my own practice and the parameters of creation in doing this project.
Grateful Response consists of two parts: gratitude and reciprocity (borrowed from Robin Wall Kimmerer’s writings). The wooden objects represent gratitude, a sentiment commonly expressed when preparing and eating a meal. All the wooden objects are intended to be used in that context: cutting boards for chopping up veggies, utensils to mix and stir, cutlery to eat with and chairs to sit on (the table is coming soon). The second part: reciprocity, is represented by the seed paper. Made from napkins and all sorts of paper scraps that were going to be thrown out and the paper was then embedded with an assortment of medicinal, edible, and native plant seeds. I did some soul-tappings on the paper, and now the work is a medium for new life and a gesture of reciprocity to the world that gives so much.
Soul Tappings on Seed Paper
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm
California Poppies
California Poppies
Anise Hyssop
Anise Hyssop