Stick it to the Man / 2019


SEPTEMBER 12 - 28, 2019
Opening Sept 12, 7-10PM

Margin of Eras Gallery

Ekow Stone / Eyeda Sophia / Ezequiel Isaac Morales / Idil Djafer / Jades Swadron / Jenny Chen / Jennifer Laiting / Kevin Kim / Kourtney Jackson / Maisha Marshall-Ende / Maxholio / Mike Regis / Rosie Monday / Samay Arcentales Cajas / Shelby McLeod / Sophie Lau / Sangmin Lee / Sadiah / Sydne Barnes-Wright / Tameesha Holder and Jody Anderson / Tennessee Jones / Twoey Gray / Rabeea Syed / Rebecca Sweets

Edeya Sophia / Maxholio / Rosie Monday

In 2019, CUE presented their annual arts showcase featuring the work of over a dozen artists whose projects we funded at our very own Margin of Eras Gallery.  In typical CUE fashion, we took the opportunity to present our own interactive public art piece exposing the systemic inequities our communities face.

Given the absurdly virulent political climate and the escalating ruthlessness with which our politicians ignore, divest and exploit our arts community, we invited the public to witness and take part in an arts installation. In the name of solidarity and communal catharsis, an oversized but strikingly familiar papier maché head (crafted by CUE co-founder Zanette Singh) was hung, and members of the community took part in literally “sticking it to the man”.

  • Stick it to the Man

    Read the exhibition statement and check out our window installation for Stick it to the Man, featuring a familiar looking papier maché head crafted by CUE’s very own Co-Creative Director Zanette Singh.

Item 1 of 2

Exhibition Statement

To our community:
We are under attack.
They are coming for us on the margins, and so we must be prepared.

They cut education then cut down the trees
they took away our lawyers and came for our wages
kept the funding and starved the artists
forced us into the streets to overdose and die
replaced public health with private wealth
taxed our freedom to live tax-free
violent against women with no truth to reconcile
anti-gay and pro-poverty
and scheming behind the curtain with name brand polluters and the one-percent.

as artists working on the margins
we continue to paint our truths
draw our power
create where they cut
we thrive outside of capitalism
we dance out of the shadows
rewire the megaphone for our silenced voices
we will support our own communities
run our own economies
summon our collective strength
we will do it ourselves
we will stand up
fight back
and stick it to the man.


CUE Art Show / 2018