CUE Honoured as Finalists!
CUE is psyched, stoked, honoured and floored to be a finalist for the 2014 Toronto Arts Foundation “Arts for Youth Award”. These awards celebrate individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to Toronto's vibrant artistic and cultural life. If CUE wins this $15,000 award, all funds will go directly to underrepresented and outsider artists across the GTA.
We are honoured to be included alongside amazing co-finalists Children's Peace Theatre and Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre.
Special thanks to the Toronto Arts Foundation, and Jim Fleck, Sandra and Jim Pitblado, Diana Bennett and Spencer Lanthier for making these awards possible.
Winners will be announced on June 19th at the Mayors' Arts Lunch Awards.
See press release for more info:
CUE's Creative Directors happy as goats at the Toronto Arts Foundation pre-awards party