Announcing Habitat 2019
Dear Musician:
CUE invites you to start dreaming up ideas for HABITAT 2019: a production and performance residency for new-generation artists (15-29 years old) who live and work on the margins in Toronto. This is a platform for you to explore and produce a 360-degree expression of your creativity; not just as an EP or performance, but an opportunity to dive deeper into the core of your creative self. We want to work with you to fully create your own HABITAT: an immersive visual and sonic environment that represents not only the origins of your music, but you, as a human being.
HABITAT is a platform to experiment artistically, free from music industry conventions, and share new parts of yourself with audiences. It's a forum to try new things and take risks. Final projects will be performed and exhibited at CUE's Margin of Eras Gallery in 2019.
Throughout this project you will work closely with Toronto artist Matthew Progress, lead producer of the HABITAT residency program. Local arts professionals will provide support, mentorship, and collaboration in creating video and visual art installations, as well as mounting all components in CUE's Margin of Eras Gallery. You don't have to have the visual arts skills, just a solid vision and we will work together to make it happen.
You will receive artist fees. You will have your own budget for materials and production. In addition to the venue, CUE will provide quality audio equipment, a DJ/live sound engineer, videographer, graphic design, coordination/administrative support, promotion, and catering for your final event.

Each HABITAT exhibition will feature:
Live performance
Video (Projected, or played on screens in the gallery)
Art installation (Can be anything. Dream big, make it real. 2-D, or 3-D. Everything is permitted)
Listening station (Featuring a selection of your past recorded music. Audience will be able to listen on headphones)
A playlist (for opening night, curated by you, reflective of your HABITAT--songs that have inspired you to become the artist you are. We provide the DJ, you provide the songs.)
These elements will come together to create your HABITAT--an intimate exploration of you as an artist that audiences would not get to see on any other stage.
Meetings, rehearsals, and performances take place at the
Margin of Eras Gallery (the MOEG), a 1300-square-foot
multidisciplinary arts space in Toronto's Parkdale neighbourhood.
1684 Queen Street West.
For the artist, the process consists of:
Attending multiple conceptual development and production planning meetings
One-on-one in-person consultation with professional multimedia and installation artists, as well as a Gallery Technician to develop and execute your vision
Working independently, off-site and on your own hours
Managing a materials/production budget (with support from CUE)
A dress rehearsal/sound-check at the gallery
Final public exhibition and live performance. Exhibitions remain open to the public for several days after the main performance event, where audiences will have a chance to interact with, and listen to, your work.
Artists will need to be available during the following months:
RESIDENCY (development and creation, meetings with lead producer, mentors, and technicians): January - March 2019
Email with your answers to the following questions.
(You can write answers in the body of an email, or attach them in .doc or .pdf. Point form answers are fine.)
Preferred pronoun (i.e. she/they/him, or other):
Phone number:
Website/streaming/social media links:
Address (or area you reside if you have no fixed address):
It's okay if your ideas aren't fully envisioned--just dream big and write down your raw creative ideas. This is a chance to take over an art gallery
and present yourself and your art in a new way. Point form answers are okay.
1. Tell us how you would present a unique live performance. (This is not a conventional stage performance... dream up something new and unique. For example, Do you incorporate props? Are you inviting audience participation? How do you communicate your artistic "Habitat"? Push yourself as an artist,
and as a performer. This is an art gallery, not a club stage. It's an intimate environment to experiment and take risks. Anything is possible.)
2. How would you incorporate video art into your HABITAT? (You will have access to a projector and/or a standard flat-screen.)
3. How would you incorporate visual/installation art into your HABITAT? (A gallery floor plan, and available furnishings are available here.
Think big, push boundaries.)
4. Please provide samples of your music/art. (Soundcloud or other streaming links are preferable, but you can send MP3 files by email - maximum 3 audio files. If sending image files, please use .JPEG format)
5. Can you commit to the full project timeline? (January - June 2019. Please let us know now if you foresee scheduling conflicts so we can plan ahead and work around - i.e. your work schedule, if you plan to be out of town, etc.)
6. CUE and the MOEG's mandate is to support artists who live and work on the margins. How do you identify with "living and working on the margins"?
If you have any questions, or would like help preparing your application,
please email Matthew Progress at