CUE Art Projects is looking for an emergent curator (or artist interested in exploring curatorial practice) for a writing opportunity. The selected applicant will write a text to accompany this year’s CUE grant projects in our 2021 digital exhibition this Fall.
They will receive feedback and editing support from the CUE team.
To apply, please e-mail with the following by August 11th, 2021 @ 11:59pm:
a short statement of interest (2-4 sentences is good)
a writing sample best represents your work (whatever that may be!)
any evidence that demonstrates your appreciation of and/or engagement with arts in Toronto, and specifically from artists who are living and working on the margins in Toronto (again, we’re open to what this might look like.)
We encourage applicants who may not have had traditional arts schooling / formal arts training or positions to apply, and are flexible about what writing samples are provided. The selected writer will receive a $500 honorarium for a writing that is approximately 350-500 words in length.
Have questions? E-mail us directly to chat more at